Monday, April 13, 2015

It came! It is here!

I am not sure why it took me so long to jump into therapeutic grade essential oils. I think I was just determined that I would do it on my own. I could go to the health food store, order from Amazon and it would be fine. The only problem is that it wasn't fine. Yes, the lesser quality oils were cheaper, but the more I educated myself on the effectiveness of EO's I realized that I needed higher quality. 

Essential Oils are not just for fragrance. Yes, Aromatherapy is a huge component, but they can be used topically and internally as well. I did not want to consume lesser grade oils!

Then it was a matter of choosing between Young Living Essential Oils and Doterra. I will save that post for another day, suffice it to say that I found I was drawn to Young Living as whole. Its business philospy, cost, product, and farms all played a part.

Over the next few entries I am going to share with you, first hand, what it is like to use Young Living Essential Oils.

 I had to order a few extras specifically for my family. Raven for Breathing. Vetiver and Valor of ADHD.
 Here is everything except for the diffuser that was slightly delayed. Update: it arrived 2 business days later!)
 Love! Love! Love! The Everyday Oils!!!
Additional samples, materials, an extra oil and roller ball!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Daily walk 9/24/14

I am attempting to keep track of my daily walks through photos. 

Fall is my favorite season of them all.